रूपेशका नेपाली कविताहरू


OOTY >>>>>>>>

Umesh bobo and I was sitting there on stone bench. These pics are in OOTY one of the famous hills station of Kerala.

Local Mysore Tour Photographs

Really, It was very very nice evening where I had spent with my people/lovely brothers. All of them are came from 'queen of hills' Darjeeling here for Nepali Corpus workshop which was held on 22nd-5th July in Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages (LDC-IL), CIIL.

1 comment:

  1. भाईको कविताहरू अध्ययन गर्दै छु। कविताहरू राम्रो छ। कवितामा बिम्व र प्रतिकको माध्यमले सामाजिक कुराहरू राम्ररी उठान गरिएको छ। कविता एउटा सोखिन वस्तु मात्र नभएर चेतनाको राँको पनि हो। भाईको कविताले त्यही चेतनाको राँकोको काम गरेको छ।
